NMFC Changes for Boxes, Doors, and Grandstands

The National Motor Freight Traffic Association made significant changes in its National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) for boxes, cartons, doors, and grandstands. The changes take effect on August 15.

If you ship an affected item, you must update the product description on your bill of lading.  Otherwise the description will no longer comply with the NMFC, and carriers will reclassify your shipment, adjust the charges, and assess a Weight & Inspection service fee.

UTS will update any affected items stored in your myUTS Product Database.  

Please contact your UTS Audit Specialist for more information or help with compliance.

Boxes and Cartons

New item 29785 applies freight classes based on density. Items 28920, 29205, 29240, 29250, 29285 and 29400 are canceled with reference to the new item.

Read a Summary
Read the NMFTA Bulletin 


Item 34265 is amended to assign freight classes based on dimensions and density.  It also removes the restriction for “other than rolling.”  Concurrently, the descriptions of items 34400 and 34500 are changed to replace “rolling” with “roll-up.”

Read a Summary
Read the NMFTA Bulletin 


Item 89805 is canceled and replaced by new item 89790, naming “Grandstand, Bleacher or Stadium Chairs or Seats, hand-portable, folded,” at class 125.  Items 89803, 89810, 89813, 89816 and 89818 are replaced by new item 89795, naming “Grandstands or Bleachers, collapsed, folded or unassembled; Grandstand, Bleacher or Stadium Seats, other than hand-portable; or Parts thereof,” with classes based on greatest dimension and density. 

Read a Summary
Read the NMFTA Bulletin